How do you tend to go with your New Years’ resolutions each year? Do you have grand plans that go astray after a few weeks? If you’re like me I often try and make too many changes at once and don’t necessarily stick to them all, so this year I’m doing things differently.
I’ve come up with a new plan for 2020 to make small lasting changes to feel healthier and fitter both mentally and physically. I’m encouraging my clients to do the same too. Have some fun creating your own plan of attack!
The idea is to spend some time creating a 2020 Calendar where each month will have a theme, task or focus to work on. Think about small steps that when combined will have you feeling amazing inside and out by the end of the year! You can purchase a calendar and pop it somewhere visible with the month’s topic or task in bold writing at the top of each page. Or pop a reminder in your paper diary or phone diary at the beginning of each month to keep you on track.
Here is my “New Year, New You” calendar with a few extra ideas thrown in that you might like to consider too!
Just Move January: This month I will be working on increasing weekly exercise and stretching. More surfing, more Yoga and Pilates, high intensity interval training, headland walks, and cycling.
Other ideas…
Veganuary: Play around with plant based recipes and enjoy less meat consumption.
Fundraising Feb: I will be busy with my Surfing Mums team raising money for a local charity Lifeline Northern Beaches. Lifeline Northern Beaches has saved so many lives over the 50 years since it began operating and with the terrible suicide statistics on the Northern Beaches, it is such an important cause I am passionate about.
Other ideas…
Food Diary Feb: Keep track of everything you eat and drink to get you thinking about what healthy changes you can make.
Fermented Feb: Increase fermented foods for better gut health. Think miso, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha!
Febfast: Can you avoid sugar for the whole month!? You could re- watch “That Sugar Film” for inspiration and use recipes from books/webpages such as “I Quit Sugar”, “Quirky Cooking”, “Deliciously Ella” or by cooks such as Teresa Cutter and Pete Evans.
Melanoma March: I will be booking in with my doctor who specializes in skin cancer checks. She spotted a melanoma on my husband a couple of years back which has made us even more diligent when it comes to regular skin checks and raising awareness. Melanoma is one of the biggest killers of young Australians and regular checks can save lives! When was your last skin check?
Other ideas…
Meat Free March: Think about adding more plant based recipes to your week. Meal Prep March: Spend Sunday’s prepping meals for the week to save money and ensure you are reaching for healthy snacks at the 3pm energy dip.
Active April: Walk to work day is this month! Increasing daily activity is my goal for this month. This means less screen time and more getting out in nature.
Other ideas…
Abs April: Do an abs challenge.
Arty April: Rekindle your passion for arts and crafts. Join a local art group, vision board workshop, or take up guitar lessons. The possibilities are endless.
Mindful May: This month I will be aiming to meditate every single day! There are so many benefits to meditation and the more consistent you are the more results you will get!
Other ideas…
Mother’s Day Month: Show your mum how much you appreciate her all month! (I’ll be doing this too for my mummy dearest!)
Massage May: Book in for a remedial massage and keep going once a month for maintenance (I will be doing this too!)
Joyful June: This month I will be keeping a gratitude diary which will recognize all the things I am grateful for in my life. Feeling gratitude actually makes you feel happier!
Other ideas…
Just for Him: Men’s Health Week is this month. Check in to see how the men in your life are going!
Dry July: I will attempt Dry July this year! Ok, there I’ve said it. Who will join me?!
Other ideas…
Juicy July: Take on a juice cleanse
Jar Salad July: Prep salads in jars for the week. There are some great recipes out there!
July Jam: Check out the gig guide and head out to see some local live music!
Awareness August: I am passionate about spreading awareness of anxiety disorders, having suffered from anxiety on and off over the years. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, hypnosis, meditation and speaking to a psychologist helped me immensely to get on top of it and feel calm again.
Other ideas…
Think of a condition or a cause you are passionate about and spread awareness this month! Acupuncture August: Have you ever tried acupuncture or has it been a while since your last treatment?
September Sleep: This month will be all about getting adequate and good quality sleep. Eating dinner earlier, switching off devices, meditating before bed, and using my lavender oil in my diffuser.
Other ideas…
Spinal September: Book in to see your Chiro for an assessment and adjustment!
Stretching September: Head to yoga a couple of times a week to help stretch and tone your muscles which will help with flexibility, balance, and strength.
Odds and Ends October: This month I will de-clutter the house. Give what I can to charity and perhaps sell a few items too. Nothing beats a good clear out!
Other ideas…
Ocsober: Can you go without alcohol for a month?
Nothing November: “Buy nothing day”… I will be focussing on not buying unnecessary crap this month! Cooking more from scratch and resisting online shopping!
Other ideas…
Movember: Grow a mo or support mo men this month!
No November: No more……….. you fill in the blank with something you would like to let go of this month.
Do something December: International volunteer day is this month. I will be volunteering at “One Meal Makes a Difference”, feeding our local disadvantaged community. They have groups across Sydney and are always looking for meals and helpers!
Other ideas…
Daring December: Take a risk and do something on your bucket list. Go sky diving or book that dream holiday.